25th September 04
Spent the weekend destroying the patio pots and
putting in daffodils and tulips. HATE that job as it means that the summer is
over and only lengthening nights to look forward to!
Still, plenty of colour still left in the garden...for a few more weeks at
Dahlias and cannas still out on the belvedere | |
Wall still "tumbling" with colour | |
A typical autumn colour scheme with the brilliant yellow rudbeckias against the fushias and sediums | |
Just planted 100 various coloured Cistus on the bank. this is a part of the garden that I rarely feature. But it is now improving. Was covered in bracken and brambles only a few years back. Now the junipers are starting to look good too. | |
The Michaelmas Daisies are at their best | |
As are the nasturtiums | |
Two different views of the same thing. | |
25th September 04