21st April 07

The weather has been incredible. Hotest, sunniest April on record (I think..) That means that everything is several weeks ahead of normal. Indeed, it is the first year that I have hardly used the greenhouse. Too hot in there for tender young plants!
Good news is that we haven't seen the deer for three weeks. Hence the (remainder) of the tulips survived. Indeed the best (actually first!) show of tulips we have ever had.

Front of the house through the new gates. Note the rhododendron. 
The honeysuckle azalea and its almost overpowering scent 
Very early for osteospermums 
Two views of the path and wall. Really bursting into colour
The canopy of rhododendrons over the pond
The definite stars at the moment are the tulips. Never got this far before as they ALWAYS get eaten by the deer just as the buds are about to flower.