20th May 15 - Galapagos Day Five

Relatively late start for a 8.00am trip to the beach at Post Office Bay. After lunch our last snorkeling session followed by a nature trail. 

Post Office Bay, Floreana
Lovely sandy beach for a swim.
This bay, with its fresh water supply, was often the first port of call for ships visiting in the 18th Century. A tradition developed for a 'no fee' mailing system whereby you put your card/letter in the box and, if the next ship is returning to that country, it takes the letter and delivers it by hand. 
We deposited several postcards and will be interested if they ever make it back home. We picked up one to Mr & Mrs Lyon from Staplegrove, Taunton which we will endeavor to deliver (probably by post though!)
 After lunch on to a fantastic snorkeling session at Champion Island. A colony of sea lions 'played' with us.
Then on a nature hike at Punta Cormorant, Floreana

Black-necked stilt
Volcano reflected in the flamingo lake


Flamingos. There were a flock of over 60.
Yellow warbler
One of the Darwin finches
Bay with waves overlooking yet another volcano
What do they say? 'Take only photos. Leave only footprints'.
Wonderful sunset as we left on the zodiacs back to the mother ship.