11th Dec 13 -TechMarketView's Xmas Lunch at The Square in Bruton St

This year's TechMarketView's Xmas Lunch was at The Square in Bruton St. Two Michelin stars. The food, wine and service were superb.
Lovely private room
Helen gets her Secret Santa gift
Kate got a very tasteful pair of 'Fun for Feet' bear shoes 
Adam  gets a Tool Kit. How appropriate for Mr Fix-IT!
Angela gets a mug with the slogan 'I can deal with anything...with the right shoes'. 
Anthony got a tie pin which was something to do with his tie and shirt selection
Amazingly, Belinda drew me and I drew Belinda in the Secret Santa draw and we both choose to buy each other the same gift. Maybe something to do with our mutual radio listening selection.
Deb got a Brain Trainer game
Georgina got choccies
John  got Pinart
Can't remember what Judy got! Should have taken the picture after the parcel was opened.
Peter got a large piggy bank. Very apt as probably safer than most of the financial institutions Peter covers!
Tola got truffles.

Really great lunch for a really great team